About Us

Who are we?

At In2Gr8 Business Coaching we are an ActionCOACH franchisee who is “IN TO GREAT”.  We take people and businesses from “Good to Great”.  Our purpose is to provide our customers the peace of mind knowing that they are getting the best possible business coaching systems, methods and methodology to enable them to sleep peacefully at night, fully aware that they are set up to be the most efficient and effective they can be.

Our Vision

"Coaching real people to unlock their full potential, turbocharge action, and be successful!"

Our Mission

Who are our coaches?

We are a highly qualified business coaching firm with a reputation for excellence and delivery.  Our coaches all make a significant difference in the performance outcome of the businesses we coach.

Who are our Customers?

Our customers are committed individuals who work with us either on a 1:2:1 basis or in groups.  They are business owners, business executives and/or their teams.  They work hard to implement action plans which facilitate their personal growth and the growth of their organisation, they recognise the value we deliver, they are committed to change where required, they put time aside to work on the improvements we identify together, they are determined succeed and they recognise that they cannot do it alone.

What business are we in?

We are in the business of building successful people.  We coach our customers to be the best they can, while having fun.  We provide systems, methodologies and know-how to grow the lives of people while they deliver the performances they deserve and achieve the results they never knew they could.

What makes us different?

We are different because we care about our customers.  We show care by being well qualified ourselves, being committed to new learning, ensuring all the principles we coach on have been tried and tested by ourselves in our own business first and by recognising and valuing the progress of every customer we touch.

Our Strap Line

"Serious about Your Success"

Our 14 Points of Culture and  Values

 1. Commitment

I give myself and everything I commit to 100% until I succeed. I am committed to the Vision, Mission, Culture and success of ActionCOACH, its current and future team, and its clients at all times. I always recommend products and services of ActionCOACH prior to going outside the company.

2. Ownership

I am truly responsible for my actions, the outcome that my actions will bring, and own everything that takes place in my work and my life. I am accountable for my results and I know that for things to change, first I must change.

3. Integrity

I always speak the truth. What I promise is what I deliver. I only ever make agreements with myself and others that I am willing and intend to keep. I communicate potentially broken agreements at the first opportunity and I clear up all broken agreements immediately.

4. Excellence

Good enough isn’t. I always deliver products and services of exceptional quality that add value to all involved for the long term. I look for ways to do more with less and stay on a path of constant and never-ending improvement and innovation.

5. Communication

I speak positively of my fellow team members, my clients and ActionCOACH in both public and private. I speak with good purpose using empowering and positive conversation. I never use or listen to sarcasm or gossip. I acknowledge what is being said as true for the speaker at that moment and I take responsibility for responses to my communication. I greet and farewell people using their name. I always apologize for any upsets first and then look for a solution. I only ever discuss concerns in private with the person involved.

6. Success

I focus my thoughts, energy and attention on the successful outcome of whatever I am doing. I am willing to win and allow others to win: Win/Win. At all times, I display my inner pride, prosperity, competence and personal confidence. I am a successful person.

7. Education

I learn from my mistakes. I consistently learn, grow and master so that I can help my fellow team members and clients learn, grow and master too. I am an educator and allow my clients to make their own intelligent decisions about their future remembering that it is their future. I impart practical and usable knowledge rather than just theory.

8. Teamwork

I am a team player and team leader. I do whatever it takes to stay together and achieve team goals. I focus on co-operation and always come to a resolution, not a compromise. I am flexible in my work and able to change if what I’m doing is not working. I ask for help when I need it and I am compassionate to others who ask me.

9. Balance

I have a balanced approach to life, remembering that my spiritual, social, physical and family aspects are just as important as my financial and intellectual. I complete my work and my most important tasks first, so I can have quality time to myself, with my family and also to renew.

10. Fun

I view my life as a journey to be enjoyed and appreciated and I create an atmosphere of fun and happiness so all around me enjoy it as well.

11. Systems

I always look to the system for a solution. If a challenge arises I use a system correction before I look for a people correction. I use a system solution in my innovation rather than a people solution. I follow the system exactly until a new system is introduced. I suggest system improvements at my first opportunity.

12. Consistency

I am consistent in my actions so my clients and teammates can feel comfortable in dealing with me at all times. I am disciplined in my work so my results, growth and success are consistent.

13. Gratitude

I am a truly grateful person. I say thank you and show appreciation often and in many ways so that all around me know how much I appreciate everything and everyone I have in my life. I celebrate my wins and the wins of my clients, and team. I consistently catch myself and other people doing things right.

14. Abundance

I am an abundant person, I deserve my abundance and I am easily able to both give and receive it. I allow abundance in all areas of my life by respecting my own self-worth and that of all others. I am rewarded to the level that I create abundance for others and I accept that abundance only shows up in my life to the level at which I show up.

Our Business Owner

In2Gr8 Business Coaching is owned by Craig Lourens. Craig is internationally certified Business Executive Coach with over 30-years' experience in business at executive level. Today he is an accomplished Business Coach as known as the "The Potential Guy". When you engage with him, his deliverable is to coach you to identify your full business potential, giving you proven methodologies to action the path to that potential and holding you accountable to get there.

4 Most Important Things To Know About Craig 

1... A Coach Who Gets Results… 

Craig has helped over 1 500 small medium-sized business owners in 32 countries, achieve success. His philosophy is a win-win approach which allows owners to emerge from the chaos of day-to-day operations into a businessman managing a business which is a well-oiled machine. Craig has been recognised throughout not only Africa, but also France, Central America and the Caribbean as providing business owners with the know-how that has enabled them to achieve their goals. He is so confident at ActionCOACH, in his ability to help eager business owners that he will only offer to coach a business if he can guarantee results.

2... An Accomplished Business Professional...  

Craig gained experience in all parts of the business cycle working at TotalEnergies in both Africa and France and then more recently as the Head of Retail for Africa at Puma Energy. He is a specialist in Business Operational Management, Retail, Franchising, Project Management and Supply Chain. His practical experience of small business coupled with a track record of corporate-level success makes him an invaluable resource to business owners.

3... Pretty Darn Smart… 

 … but he doesn’t pretend to know it all. Craig graduated from University of Natal with a B.Comm majoring in Business Administration, Sales & Marketing and Industrial Psychology. He completed his Chartered Institute of Secretaires qualification through Wits Business School and sat his MBA through the University of Wales, UK. As a certified Business Coach with ActionCOACH, Craig is part of a team of 1 400 coaches in over 82 countries providing excellence in business advice to over 15 000 business owners on a weekly basis. With this network of brainpower, his business coach certification, continuing thirst for knowledge and his ability at breaking down complex issues into simple steps, Craig has all the tools to set his clients up for success. 

4... A World Traveller, Mentor and Family Man... 

Craig has been mentoring and developing people for years and has a keen interest in helping young people succeed to their maximum potential. He has three highly successful children, 2 sons and a stepdaughter, all of whom he is extremely proud. Craig also likes to keep his mind and body active by a daily gym routine. He lived in France for 6 years and has had the privilege to experience over 62 different countries around the world. This has cultivated an open mindset as well as a unique and creative perspective. 

If you think Craig can work with you to reach your true potential, why not book an exploratory call?

Book an exploratory call


  • Is your business generating less cash than you’d like?
  • Are you struggling to recruit, retain & develop the depth of talent needed to build a great company?
  • Are you looking for fast and effective improvements in your business?
  • Are you working longer hours than you’d like?
  • Are your marketing and sales campaigns delivering less than you’d like?

ActionCOACH has been helping people and businesses to work through these kinds of issues for over 15 years. The knowledge and systems developed over that time have brought significant improvements to hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world.

When you’re ready to massively improve your business, your income and your lifestyle, call to arrange a complimentary consultation and together we’ll explore the possibilities for you and your business.
We’d like to find out more about you, click below for a free session with ActionCOACH.